Dyslexia: 504 plan or IEP?
Oct 03, 2024
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There are two different ways you can get a legally-binding educational plan for your dyslexic child. One is called a 504 plan and the other is an IEP - an Individualized Education Plan. How do you...
Reading Solutions for Dyslexia Using Audio WITH Text
May 21, 2024
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Dyslexic kids often need different ways to read as they develop their reading skills. Even teens and adults with dyslexia find that they need alternatives to eye reading to get...
Reading Together with Your Dyslexic Child
Apr 30, 2024
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There is no doubt that reading with your child is one of the most important ways you can help develop their reading skills, whether your child has dyslexia or not.
Many times, when a...
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